March 2016 -



Archive for: March 2016

Uncategorized March 27, 2016

Impact of Criminal History on DUI Arrest Cases

It is always a scary experience to be arrested for DUI (driving under the influence). But the matter is even more serious if the arrestee has a prior criminal record. It is very important to understand the critical role your criminal history plays in your DUI arrest case. Being armed with such knowledge may help […]

Uncategorized March 21, 2016

New Traffic Laws You Need To Be Aware Of In 2016

Evolution is a constant process and like everything else, laws evolve over time too. The constant updating of traffic laws is especially crucial, so that peace and order is maintained on the roads, and the safety of drivers and pedestrians is protected. For this reason, the state of California has instated new traffic-related laws, in […]

Juveniles Crime March 4, 2016

Juvenile Crimes in California

In California, those who commit crimes under age 18 are considered juveniles, and they are treated differently than adults who run afoul of the law. The varying nature of juvenile offenses often makes it difficult for states to decide whether the criminal is to be treated as a minor or as a full-grown individual. The […]